To promote the consideration and discussion of all questions affecting the building industry

(which expression in this Memorandum includes the trade of builders and contractors for the execution of public and private works, the practice of the professions of architect, surveyor and engineer, and all ancillary and allied trades and professions, and every branch of such trades or professions);

To arrange and promote the adoption of equitable forms of contracts and other documents

used in the building industry, and generally to promote co-operation within and the stability of the building industry through the contract and subcontract procedure and the adoption of model forms of contracts, and in particular to take all measures necessary and incidental to the production of such particulars as may be required from time to time for the “fluctuations clauses” contained in any agreement.

To promote and encourage the settlement of disputes by conciliation or arbitration and to act

as or nominate arbitrators, experts and umpires and to assist and participate in the formation, development and maintenance of Boards of Conciliation and Arbitrators upon such terms and in such cases as may seem expeditious.

To advance the science and art of planning:

and building, and to promote excellence in the construction of buildings, and just and honorable practice in the conduct of business, and to suppress malpractice.

To give to members of the Legislature and other public bodies facilities

for conferring with and ascertaining the views of persons engaged in the building industry as regards matters directly or indirectly affecting the industry.

To furnish to persons engaged in the building industry information

on all matters affecting the building industry and to print, publish, issue and to circulate such papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other literary undertakings as may seem conducive to any of these objects.

To subscribe to, render support to and to promote any society,

organization, movement or other body the objects of which are, in the opinion of the Company, such as to be of benefit to the building industry either directly or indirectly.